Exploring the Vital Role of Vegetables in Children's Diets

Vegetable and fruit intake is vital for children as they provide essential vitamins, minerals, and fiber crucial for growth, development, and overall health. Regular consumption supports immune function, maintains a healthy weight, and reduces the risk of chronic diseases later in life, fostering lifelong healthy eating habits and promoting optimal physical and cognitive development.

What is a Serve of Vegetable or Fruit?

Vegetable Consumption Among Australian Children

Children consume fewer serves of vegetables and fruits than recommended. Now you can explore the consumption of veggies and fruits of children based on different age groups.

Tips to Inspire Kids to Love Their Greens

  • Involve your child in choosing which fruit or vegetables they would like
  • Take your child fruit and vegetable shopping and let them see, smell and feel the fruit and vegetables with you
  • Encourage their skills by letting them make a simple salad to serve themselves
  • Keep a bowl of fresh fruit handy
  • Make vegetables and fruit look great on the plate
  • Include vegetables and fruit in snacks, as well as meals

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